Please see below for answers to our most commonly asked questions

Upon booking you will receive confirmation of your course start times. Generally courses start at 8am each day.

Yes, we offer ample breaks throughout the day and an extended lunch time.

All equipment and materials are provided as part of the course. Please ensure you dress approriately for the course including cold weather clothes if attending during winter months as large parts of the course are conducted in a warehouse. Please also ensure to wear sturdy and enclosed footwear.

Yes all course materials are provided prior to attending your course. There is a workbook that is required to be completed at home prior to attending.

We accept standard payment options via our website and in store including paying by eftpos / credit card.

We also offer flexible payment options when booking via our website including Afterpay, Paypal pay in 4 and Zip Pay.

Additional training and retesting will be discussed with your trainer. Any additional payments can be made via Eftpos / Credit Card in person at our location, or via phone when booking in retesting or training sessions.

There are 3x components to the Forklift Licence assessment (calculations, theory and practical). If you are deemed not yet competent (NYC) on any of the three components you will be required to re-take the assessment. Each additional attempt / re-test costs $149.

If you required further training either prior to conducting your initial assessment or prior to conducting additional assessments, each 1hr block of additional training costs $99 per hour.

Melbourne Forklift Licenses requires 5 full business days notice to cancel or to reschedule your course. Failure to give us this notice will result in full fees being applied. A rescheduling fee of $200 per student must be paid if you wish to reschedule. Please refer to our Student Resources page for our Re-test and Rescheduling Policy.

Please refer to our Refunds Policy on our Student Resources page for information on refunds.

Still have a question?

Please contact us for more information.

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